Friends of Cudham School
Friends of Cudham School (FOCS) are enthusiastic about what the school is achieving for education, and help and support this through fundraising events and initiatives.
The needs of the schools remain great in a climate of reduced education budgets and our help does make a big difference, providing for both large and small items that enhance the learning and recreational facilities for all children at the school.
Through regular liaison, we have a close working relationship with the school leadership team, class teachers and other staff. FOCS has an elected committee comprising of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and a FOCS Class Representative for each class. Meetings are held twice per term, with extra meetings for planning specific events.
To find out more about what’s going on please look at the notice board in the playground area. We always welcome any offers of help and support. Please either leave your details in the school office or come along to a FOCS meeting.